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1,503 Enrolled


The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation is proud to offer an international Safety Specialist training program designed specifically for Code, Building, Fire, Animal Control, CSO's, Public Safety, By-Law and Housing professionals. As the international leader on Code Official officer safety and recognized by the International Code Council (ICC) as a Supporting Organization and Preferred Education Provider (#2696), the Foundation is excited to launch this international training program.


The Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS) program is an international training program offered to code professionals which specifically focuses on personal safety of government employees. The goal of this program is to provide Code Enforcement Officers, Building Inspectors, Fire Inspectors, Animal Control, CSO's, Health Inspectors, and Housing Inspectors a minimum level of training and to provide foundational officer safety skills. The Code Official Safety Specialist training sets the standard on officer safety and survival in the code enforcement profession and related government positions that interact with the public.


Upon successful completion of the entire COSS course, you will be directed to the ICC Credential of Learning Achievement (CLA) website to take a short exam and earn your ICC certificate and digital badge. Learn more at: Credential of Learning Achievement - ICC (


Course includes 15-hours with 5 Modules:

  • Tactical Mindset (3 hours)

  • Fear Management (3 hours)

  • Verbal De-escalation (3 hours)

  • Three Phases of a Contact (3 hours)

  • Surviving a Violent Encounter (3 hours)


Who has gone through this course?

  • Directors

  • Deputy Fire Chief's

  • Building Officials

  • Fire Marshals

  • Assistant Directors

  • Building Inspectors

  • Fire Inspectors

  • Code Enforcement Officers

  • Permit Technicians

  • Animal Control

  • Park Rangers

  • CSO's

  • Health Inspectors

  • Many more...


This course is completely on-demand. Once you are in the course, it will guide you through the 5 modules. Each module begins with a 3-hour video training that can be paused, but you cannot skip ahead. After the video you will view the PDF workbook for that module, which is downloadable for your records. Each workbook is 50-80 pages in length. There are no quizzes, but you will be instructed at the end to go to ICC to take the 1-hour exam for $65 to earn your ICC Credential of Learning Achievement.


For ONLY $250* (-66% discount) you will have access to:

  • 15-hours of training

  • Instructor with 30+ years of experience

  • Professional Growth & Development

  • Commitment to Officer Safety

  • ICC, NACA, CalAnimals, and several state association CEU's (ICC catalog #43737)

  • 5 PDF workbooks, each 50-80 pages in length

  • Access to our comprehensive 76-page Officer Safety SOP

  • Hard copy professional certificate mailed to you (email us with address)






*You can pay using credit card at checkout without a PayPal account. Credit Card Instructions.


  • LARGE GROUPS - Email Justin directly at

    • 100+ for the on-demand will be discounted. The more employees enrolled at once, the greater the discount.

    • In-person groups of 50+ is also discounted and includes cost of instructor and travel. Group just needs to provide the training venue. In-person training requires 2 full consecutive days (8 hours each including lunch break).


  • CALIFORNIA JPIA MEMBERS - This training is free for all agency members. Please email us directly to setup your online classroom account. 


  • PAYMENT OPTIONS - Online payment is with a credit card. Agencies can email us for an invoice for any training to create a purchase order and pay by check.



  • CANCELLATION / REFUND POLICY: All sales are final and there will not be a refund. Customer may send someone else in their place if unable to attend.


Code Enforcement Manager, California

"[In my 30 years of experience] I thought this was the most comprehensive, practical, clear and valuable training I have participated in. In my opinion, this training should be required for every agency..."

Meet the Instructor

DISCLAIMER: The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation (CEOSF) reserves all rights with its training partners and all training material is protected under all copyright laws, which includes but is not limited to, webinars, handouts, tests, manuals, and all other materials. Admittance into the training program is not guaranteed and that the CEOSF can deny admittance to the program for any reason, with or without cause, at the discretion of the CEOSF Board of Directors. The CEOSF is not obligated to provide a reason for denial into any training program offered by the Foundation. CEOSF reserves the right to prohibit a person from attending CEOSF classes and revoking any and all certifications of a participant if the Board of Directors approves due to safety issues, ethical concerns, unprofessional conduct, etc. Course material is the property of the respective instructor. Users are not authorized to make copies of any course material or to provide copies to anyone. Users are not authorized to post copies of any course material online to include social media, file sharing websites, etc. Users are not authorized to email any course material to others. It is prohibited to record the webinars using any screen capture program, photography, video, or any other method. Violation can result in legal action to include revocation of COSS designation and all other legal remedies available. The CEOSF, training partners, and Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC. are to be held harmless for the course material and that the information is presented as is with no guarantees on the outcome relating to violent encounters or the ability to avoid violence. The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation and Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC makes no warranty or representation that the skills, techniques, principles, and methods taught in this training comply with all local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances that may be applicable to persons utilizing same. The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation and Dedicated Threat Solutions, LLC. assumes no liability for any bodily injury, loss, or damage caused by misuse or incorrect application of the skills, techniques, principles, and methods discussed in this program, or by the illegal or inappropriate use of same, whether or not such injury, loss, or damage is foreseeable.


CANCELLATION / REFUND POLICY: All sales are final and there will not be a refund. Customer may send someone else in their place if unable to attend.

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