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Officer Safety Standards: SB 296

CEOSF has taken the lead in providing standards and resources related to officer safety.

Since the Foundation opened its doors in 2020, it has led the charge on setting officer safety standards and providing critical training for the profession. Too often we hear that agencies lack policies, procedures, and standards for their staff. This is why when the State of California implemented Senate Bill 296 on January 1, 2022, the Foundation was already at work for YOU!

In December 2021, the Foundation hosted a webinar to discuss how to assess your operation and how to implement the steps needed to address SB 296 before it took effect. This also included creating a comprehensive 76-page officer safety specific SOP manual that has everything from conduct, to body armor, to firearms. The SOP was designed so you can edit/delete to your liking and add your agency name. This training is vital to ALL agencies across the globe, not just California!

Our mission and internationally recognized Code Official Safety Specialist (COSS) training are recognized by the International Code Council, American Association of Code Enforcement, National Animal Care & Control Association, and numerous state organizations. In addition to these professional organizations, the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority that assists 100+ agencies with risk management, offers the COSS training to their members.

You may see imitators out there, but always remember the Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit charity that has always advocated for each of you and created relevant training. Our focus has been to create relationships and assist other organizations. This includes providing free training scholarships and body armor to our partners. While some organizations choose to see us as competition, we hope the profession sees us for the charity and compassionate organization we are!

CEOSF has a FREE training that can be accessed at any time related to Senate Bill 296 and implementing an Injury Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) as required by OSHA. We have received confirmation CAL OSHA is enforcing a lack of safety equipment, policies, and standards. Complaints from employees can be submitted confidentially.

In June 2023, the Kern County Grand Jury issued a report that the County's Code Enforcement lacked officer safety standards. They quoted the Foundation's minimum standards as recommendations. The Foundations data has been used by numerous media agencies to show the dangers of our job.

Senate Bill 296: Steps for Managers

In short, SB 296 is very vague, but requires agencies to develop officer safety standards. This is a big step in showing a need to protect Code Officials. However, due to how vague it is and no standards listed, agencies are concerned with how to comply. CEOSF hosted a free webinar in December 2021 before the law took effect where we discussed how to address the concerns. Our panel of Board Members and Instructors have decades of experience as Managers and Administrators.

The class and webinar discuss:

  • Senate Bill 296 text

  • CEOSF Risk Management Letter for Human Resources [downloadable]

  • On-demand Webinar [90 min]

    • Assessing your operation

    • Memo to Human Resources

    • Training

    • Policies

  • Minimum Standards

  • CEOSF Template SOP

  • Sample SB 296 Memo [downloadable]

  • CAL OSHA Guide for Injury Illness Protection Plan (IIPP) [downloadable]

  • OSHA Complaint Notice & Filing a Complaint

  • Kern County Grand Jury Report Recommends CEOSF Minimum Standards [downloadable]

Why is this great information for EVERYONE? While California now requires it, every agency should look at risk management and making sure you have an updated and effective IIPP per OSHA. This class is great for field staff, supervisors, managers, risk management, human resources, and decision makers.


According to Safe At Work California: "One more important reason to have an effective IIPP [Injury Illness Protection Plan]: you can avoid the citation that comes from not having one. Each year, Cal/OSHA issues more fines to businesses in violation of the IIPP regulation than it does for any other standard. Workplaces must have procedures in place to identify and evaluate all areas of the work environment for health and safety hazards, unsafe conditions and work practices."

Where else can you get all of these resources at your fingertips for FREE? Learn more and get access: CLICK HERE

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