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The Foundation Partners with the National Animal Care & Control Association

CEOSF entered into a partnership with the National Animal Care & Control Association to promote officer safety across the country. Many Code Enforcement Officers also work as Animal Control Officers and have dual roles.

December 2, 2022 - A natural partnership was formed between CEOSF and NACA to support officer safety for all of their members. NACA now offers CEU's for attending the Foundations officer safety training courses. The Foundation honors Code Enforcement Officers, Fire Inspectors, Animal Control Officers, Building Inspectors, Housing Inspectors, and Health Inspectors. Together we are committed to officer safety and look forward to enhancing the standards of our profession.

"We are excited to announce the partnership between the National Animal Care and Control Association and the Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation. The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation exists to promote best practices for the safety of Code Enforcement Officers throughout the United States; to provide a resource for officers; report incidents; provide up-to-date training and to encourage a high standard of professionalism within our chosen profession." NACA

CEOSF President Justin Edson stated, "The Code Enforcement Officer Safety Foundation is excited to enter into a partnership on the national level with the National Animal Care & Control Association! The commitment to officer safety is shared by both organizations. Across the country, there are countless agencies where Code Enforcement and Animal Control are tied together or in a dual role. Our duties and roles require us to interact with private property owners and owners of animals. In these circumstances there are chances of safety threats, which are now being documented by the Foundation. Together we look forward to bringing quality officer safety training and teaming up to improve safety in our noble professions."

Learn more about NACA:



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